On the 19th of February, 2022, the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus Model College, Ibonwon – Epe, celebrated her second cultural day. It was a stupendous day, one that would not be forgotten in a hurry.
Although a lot of sacrifices were made and putting our performances together was quite hectic. This day had a friendly, yet competitive aura, since one zone alone could only emerge as winner.
The day started off with pleasantries and introduction of the various zones, followed by dances with their beautiful attire, native songs were song, each zone was summarized that none was left out unenlightened of the diversities of our beautiful country, Nigeria.
Food and snacks were made available by each zone. Delicacies like the Benin soup by the North-Central zone, Goat meat pepper soup by the South-South zone, Amala and Ewedu by the South-West zone, Abacha by the South-East zone, and so much more were all at our disposal.
After the zonal parades, we proceeded to the most nerve-wrecking event which was the zonal dance presentation. It was great to see that all Guests and Invitees were both quite intruiged and entertained. The words of appreciation by one of the Royal Fathers if Ibonwon Community, crowned it all.
In the end, South-South, North-West and South-East Zones emerged as 3rd, 2nd and 1st Positions, respectively. By these results, the official King and Queen of the College were crowned. This day ended on a remarkable note.
Anyanwu, Chioma Esther
College’s Head Girl and Queen